Lighthouse Labs has been acquired by Uvaro! Learn more about our plans for workforce development in Canada.

Bilan de cheminement de carrière

Watch CEO and Co-Founder Jeremy Shaki share his opening remarks for the Career Trajectory Report.

Plain and simple, students come to Lighthouse Labs as an accelerated pathway to a fulfilling, stable and boundless tech career. And the data is conclusive: with little prerequisite for entry save passion, determination and a 12 or 30-week commitment, a Lighthouse Labs education is the quickest path into the industry. The Career Trajectory Report is a unique document that details the full extent of all our graduates' careers.

We publish this report as a commitment to transparency and in order to help students make clear and informed choices in regard to their careers. To our alumni, we also want to highlight that this report is a statement on your empowering growth and development, and a benchmark that provides additional salary transparency as you continue to navigate your career opportunities.

Je veux recevoir le bilan

Ce bilan a été publié en septembre 2022

Career Trajectory Report

Je veux recevoir le bilan

Voici quelques-uns des résultats clés :

  • Postes de développeuse(eur)s : parmi les diplômé(e)s qui ont répondu à notre sondage, 81 % d'entre eux travaillent toujours comme développeuse(eur)s et plus de 93 % occupent des postes techniques qui nécessitent des connaissances en développement.
  • Niveau d'ancienneté : 91 % des diplômé(e)s ayant un emploi en développement occupent un poste intermédiaire ou senior.
  • Salaire moyen des développeuse(eur)s : 3 ans et plus après l'obtention du diplôme de bootcamp = 88 180$



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