Lighthouse Labs has been acquired by Uvaro! Learn more about our plans for workforce development in Canada.
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We're here to guide you through the essential JavaScript basics you need to conquer the 21-Day Coding Challenge.
It's time for Toronto's biggest tech event of the year. Find out how Lighthouse Labs is getting involved.
What makes code so important? This summer we posed the question to our staff, students, and mentors - and we got some very insightful answers.
Lighthouse Labs is one of the only full-stack bootcamp programs available in Canada. In this piece, instructor Don Burks discusses why full-stack is so important.
Vancouver instructor Sadie Freeman travelled to Ethiopia to teach software development to a group of young women. This is her story, and her thoughts on overcoming challenges.
What role does technology play in the changing world of work? In this podcast, our CEO Jeremy Shaki chats jobs, talent development, and changing workplace culture.
Our full-time Web Development bootcamp is now eligible for government Student Aid in British Columbia and Alberta! Here's everything you need to know.
In May, Montreal celebrated their third birthday with a very special Demo Day!
We don't want finances to hold you back from starting a successful new career in tech. Here's a guide on funding your Lighthouse education.
Instructor Don Burks discusses how we set students up for success with our mentorship-driven education model.
Our co-founder and Head of Education discusses why the Just In Time learning model is one of the best ways to train developers.
These massively popular websites you visit every day are built using JavaScript.
When we send rockets into space, software goes with them. Find out how your software development expertise can help you build a career in space exploration.