Lighthouse Labs has been acquired by Uvaro! Learn more about our plans for workforce development in Canada.


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articles de Jenny Scribani

Careers in Data: Analyst v. Scientist

Apr. 13 2020
Jenny Scribani

Unsure which career path to pursue after a data science bootcamp? Here are the central differences between a data analyst and a data scientist.

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Our Platform for Online Tech Education

Mar. 26 2020
Jenny Scribani

Our programs have moved exclusively online for the foreseeable future. Discover how we maintain our personalized, outcomes-obsessed education virtually.

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Why We're Launching A National Initiative To Celebrate Mentorship

Dec. 12 2019
Jenny Scribani

Mentorship Month is an invitation to celebrate mentorship and build a mentorship culture in our communities.

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Welcome To Codeville: The 21-Day Coding Challenge Is Back!

Oct. 07 2019
Jenny Scribani

Are you ready to learn JavaScript and win amazing prizes?

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Why Code Matters

Sep. 19 2019
Jenny Scribani

What makes code so important? This summer we posed the question to our staff, students, and mentors - and we got some very insightful answers.

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Jeremy Shaki chats the Gig Economy with #TheFutureOf podcast

Jul. 11 2019
Jenny Scribani

What role does technology play in the changing world of work? In this podcast, our CEO Jeremy Shaki chats jobs, talent development, and changing workplace culture.

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Lighthouse Labs Bootcamp Students Now Eligible for Student Aid in Alberta and British Columbia

Jul. 04 2019
Jenny Scribani

Our full-time Web Development bootcamp is now eligible for government Student Aid in British Columbia and Alberta! Here's everything you need to know.

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Canada Learning Code with Nima Boscarino

May. 22 2019
Jenny Scribani

In this video from Canada Learning Code, Vancouver Lead Instructor Nima Boscarino talks about his commitment to tech education.

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Software in Space

May. 06 2019
Jenny Scribani

When we send rockets into space, software goes with them. Find out how your software development expertise can help you build a career in space exploration.

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Our Journey to 12 Weeks

Apr. 23 2019
Jenny Scribani

Here at Lighthouse Labs, we’re committed to staying ahead of the curve in the world of coding education and digital literacy. Our bootcamp curriculum is informed by industry, mentors, alumni, and staff to ensure we understand what it takes to create job-ready developers. Like good developers, we’re always building on our curriculum to make a great thing even better. That’s why we’re stretching bootcamp into a 12 week program.

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Coding Where No One Has Coded Before

Apr. 17 2019
Jenny Scribani

It's time for the 21-Day Coding Challenge! Learn to code in 15-30 minutes a day, and stand a chance to win amazing prizes.

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Hit The Ground Running With These 21-Day Coding Challenge Prep Resources

Apr. 17 2019
Jenny Scribani

Rocky Balboa had his stair sprints, the Cool Runnings team hung out in an ice cream truck, and Bruce Wayne practiced swordplay on ice - winners have their prep routine, and we know you’re no different. That’s why we’ve rounded up a few free resources to help you sharpen your skills before the challenge officially kicks off.

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We're Breaking Barriers In Tech

Mar. 18 2019
Jenny Scribani

Our new scholarship offers $2000 for LGBTQ+ students.

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The Women Behind Your Tech

Mar. 08 2019
Jenny Scribani

It's International Women's Day, and we're celebrating a few of the unsung heroes who have left an impact on the tech landscape.

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Our Female Mentors Share Their Insights On Diversity In Development

Mar. 04 2019
Jenny Scribani

Lighthouse Labs Vancouver hosted 30 guests for a special networking event celebrating Women in Technology

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